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Shipping Labels

The default shipping label generator service creates an empty PDF, but we'll make the default implementation a little more useful soon.

Replacing the ShippingLabelGeneratorService

Implement IShippingLabelGeneratorService, for example:

public class CustomShippingLabelGeneratorService : IShippingLabelGeneratorService
    public CustomShippingLabelGeneratorService() { }

    public async Task<GeneratedDocumentResponse> GenerateLabel(Order order)
        var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

        /// ...

        return new GeneratedDocumentResponse()
            ContentType = "application/pdf",
            Name = "ShippingLabel.pdf",
            Stream = memoryStream,

Now register this as a singleton using a composer:

public class CustomShippingLabelGeneratorComposer : IComposer
    public void Compose(IUmbracoBuilder builder)
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<IShippingLabelGeneratorService, CustomShippingLabelGeneratorService>();

Note that Rescope.Commerce.Shipping.* packages already include the above composer.